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The titles are pretty self explanitory
Click Here for an Introduction to fly Tying tools and Various tips and tricks Frankie has learned through the years
A great all round fly. This is a slimline floss bodied Pennell, fished in river and lake with equal success
Click here to tie a fly designed by Cathal Rush of Co. Armagh it is a firm favorite throughout Ireland.
I first tied this pattern with the idea of having a mobile wing and also adding buoyancy to the fly.
First tied by fly fisher David Train in 1885. As the name suggests, the fly was originally tied using cat's whiskers.
Click here to find out more about the first tied this pattern under the instruction of Davy Wotton in Margate in the early 1980's
Learn how to tie The Green Stimulator, which is is one of the most popular flies I tie. It made it's name when it won the world fly fishing cup on Lough Mask for a competitor a number of years back.
77 Main Street, Tempo, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. BT94 3LU.
Phone: +44 (028) 895 41524 Email: sales@frankiemcphillips.com
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