20% OFF

We are offering 20% off Fly Tying Materials till Midnight December 10th


My Bumbles selection of trout fishing flies contains a range of classic Kingsmill Moore's Bumbles and my own modern soft hackle patterns. These are ideal "top of the water patterns" for trout fishing in the surface film. The muddler head styles are buoyant and great "wake makers", generally fished on the top dropper.

Irish Bumbles  13.95 GBP
Melvin Bumble  2.2 GBP
Claret Bumble  2.25 GBP
Raymond Bumble  2.2 GBP
Dunked Biot Bumble  2.25 GBP

Contact Us

77 Main Street, Tempo,
Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. BT94 3LU.

Phone: +44 (028) 895 41524
Email: sales@frankiemcphillips.com

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