The larger versions, originally designed for Lough Sheelin, are now fished all over Ireland. With their broken mallard wings they were originally designed as top dropper wake flies but with silver tinsel and fritz bodies they are also great fry imitators.
Irish Dabblers 13.95 GBP
Silver Dabbler 2.25 GBP
The Westmeath Dabbler 2.25 GBP
Claret Biot Dabbler 2.35 GBP
Sooty Biot Dabbler 2.3 GBP
International Biot Dabbler 2.35 GBP
Black Biot Dabbler 2.25 GBP
The Lime Green Dabbler 2.3 GBP
Cock Robin Biot Dabbler 2.35 GBP
Corrib Biot Olive Dabbler 2.25 GBP
Sooty Erne Dabbler 2.2 GBP
Cock Robin Dabbler 2.25 GBP
Fiery Brown Dabbler (JC) 2.4 GBP
International Sparkle Dabbler 2.25 GBP
Melvin Claret Dabbler 2.2 GBP
Pearly Dabbler 2.25 GBP
Yellow May Dabbler 2.2 GBP
Fiery Brown Dabbler Variant 1.75 GBP
Red Butt Silver Dabbler 2.3 GBP
Red Butt Pearly Dabbler 2.3 GBP
Red Butt Claret Dabbler 2.25 GBP
Black & Silver Dabbler 1.95 GBP
Claret Sparkle Dabbler 2.35 GBP
Black Sparkle Dabbler 2.25 GBP
Black & Silver Dabbler (JC) 2.4 GBP
International Dabbler 2.3 GBP
Claret Dabbler 2.3 GBP
Green Dabbler 2.3 GBP
Pearly Dabbler 2.4 GBP
Silver Dabbler - Large Lake 2.4 GBP
The Mayfly Dabbler 2.25 GBP
International Muddler Dabbler 2.5 GBP
Golden Olive Biot Dabbler 2.25 GBP
Red Ribbed Dabbler 2.3 GBP
Sooty Olive Dabbler 2.3 GBP